Why Holidays Do you the World of Good

1. Slow Things Down ... and breathe Whether you are studying, working or living a busy life as a parent. When you step away from your home environment the ties of normal life disappear, and the hours naturally slow. Allowing you to really enjoy the small things in life.  My favourites are long breakfasts, indulging in a new book, or taking in nature and watching the sun set. Soak up life, nature and reconnect with this beautiful planet you live on.
2. Tech Off ...  turn off your devices We are constantly surrounded by technological stimuli. Disconnect from Wi-Fi and reconnect with loved ones. When was the last time you looked up and took in your surroundings, asked someone you loved how they are to their face and not via WhatsApp? Living life is about being in the moment not documenting our every move. Your memories will stay with you forever you don't always need a photograph of them.
3. Stop and Think Whilst on my honeymoon I really enjoyed having more time to just think. My job requires me to constantly make quick decisions, and there's never enough time to reflect and plan. I often feeling like I'm running behind on everything.  With more time on my hands and no schedule, I made better decisions, I took more risks and I tried new things.  I felt less stressed and I laughed more than I have in a long time. I thought clearly and objectively about work and home, and I even solved some problems I had been struggling with and created new ideas for when I returned.
 4. Gratitude There's nothing like going away to appreciate what you've left behind. Family, friends, loved ones, pets. Distance really does make the heart grow fonder. Experiencing a different culture or seeing other ways of life can make you more grateful for what you have back home. You could write a list of all the things you are grateful for to remind you when life gets busy and hectic.
5. Prioritise It is easy to let life take over everything and leave you feeling run down and worn out. You forget to make time for yourself, perhaps a loved one and friends. Draw yourself a priority circle to remind you of what matters and who matters most in life. Take this time to realign your life.

6. Relationship Review Just as you are reminding yourself of who is most important to you. Now is the time to also review your relationships and their health.  Are you seeing your loved ones enough? Is work the continual excuse for not seeing your friends? Don't miss out on life and all the fun it has in store for you. Are your relationships healthy? If you're unhappy in a relationship now is the time to think about how you're going to manage it on your return. Rule of thumb, if they don't make you happy don't waste your time -life is far too short.
7. Your time is Gold Are you happy with how you use your time when you're back home? Whom and what are you investing your time in. There is a reason why you feel great after spending time with your favourite people or doing a hobby or playing a sport you enjoy, it makes you feel alive and happy. Plan to do more of what you love when you get home. Make it a part of your week. Once a week catch up with a friend, take a class or enjoy a meal with family.